Prevention Services & Programs

SATUCI’s Prevention Specialists offers a variety of educational programs.  These prevention services educate youth, adults and communities about alcohol, drugs and problem gambling.

Research says the most effective and cost-efficient way to address the issue of substance abuse is prevention. SATUCI uses three different types of evidence-based programs to teach the prevention of substance use and abuse. The programs are primarily taught in the elementary, middle and high schools by SATUCI prevention staff.

Curriculum-Based Support Group

The Curriculum-Based Support Group (CBSG®) Program is a unique, multi-cultural, evidence-based preventive intervention for selective and indicated populations.  The program is designed for individuals, ages 4-17, whose high-risk situations – including Adverse Childhood Experiences, attitudes and behaviors place them at elevated risk for future behavioral and health problems including substance abuse, delinquency and violence. The support group modality sets the CBSG® Program apart from other preventive interventions.  Children and youth meet in confidential, small group settings and are taught a set of essential life skills to help them learn how to: cope with difficult family situations, resist negative peer pressure, respect themselves and others, set and achieve goals, make healthy choices, and refuse alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.


Lifeskills is a research-validated substance abuse prevention program proven to reduce the risks of alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, and violence by targeting the major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation of substance use and other risky behaviors. This comprehensive and exciting program provides adolescents and young teens with the confidence and skills necessary to successfully handle challenging situations.

Prime For Life

PRIME for Life is an evidence-based alcohol and drug program for people of all ages. It is designed to gently but powerfully challenge common beliefs and attitudes that directly contribute to high-risk alcohol and drug use. The program goals are to reduce the risk of health problems and impairment problems by increasing abstinence, decreasing high-risk use and delaying initial use.